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… results in Sign On For Literacy Prize.
Studio KSL helps the deaf community and local content creators in Kenya integrate sign language videos into literacy content.Competition
Sign On For Literacy Prize
Amount Awarded
Up to $250,000
Winner Status
Rochester Institute of Technology National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Documenting and collecting local sign languages and creating an open-content digital library of folktales offered in an interactive bilingual formatCompetition
Sign On For Literacy Prize
Amount Awarded
Up to $250,000
Winner Status
Manos Unidas
An interactive corpus of sign language words, a smartphone app, and a literacy outreach program for deaf children and their familiesCompetition
Sign On For Literacy Prize
Amount Awarded
Up to $250,000
Winner Status
The Sign On For Literacy prize sought technology-based innovations that increase literacy outcomes for deaf children in low resource settings by providing greater access to sign languages, early gradeCompetition
Sign On For Literacy Prize
Amount Awarded
Winner Status
Gallaudet University Motion Light Lab, Visual Language and Visual Learning
SignShare, an open-source digital platform that enables users to create and share signed stories and resources.Competition
Sign On For Literacy Prize
Amount Awarded
Winner Status