Wednesday, September 14 | 9 – 10 a.m. EST
This USAID’s Education Sector Council presentation will showcase a unique collaboration between the All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development (ACR GCD), World Vision International and CAST. Recently, World Vision (WV) partnered with CAST to reimagine WV’s existing literacy programs through a UDL lens, with a particular focus on monitoring and coaching for teachers at school and parents at home. ACR GCD was engaged to determine how this framework could be tested and shared to benefit others– including education implementers, donors…and you, hopefully—that are seeking to strengthen reading outcomes for all learners.
After the session, participants will be able to:
- Understand WHAT the UDL Guidelines and Framework are,
- Visualize WHY they are important to facilitate learning to read,
- See HOW to adapt teacher and caregiver monitoring and coaching tools to incorporate UDL Guidelines (including a demo of an app that does just that), and
- Learn from WHEN we applied UDL in reading programs
Presenters include:
- Michelle Oetman, Senior Program Manager, Convenings & Integration, ACR GCD
- Allison Posey, Senior content editor and producer. CAST
- Alodia Santos, Education Technical Director, World Vision International
- Shelly Hartman Sunyak, Senior Program Manager, ACR GCD
- Joanie Cohen-Mitchell, Policy and Technical Leadership Lead, USAID Center for Education
This event is for USAID personnel only. Learn more about the partnership between World Vision, ACR GCD and CAST from a panel presentation at CIES 2022.