Utilizing a phonic and syllabic approach to reading in their mother tongue, Enlightening the Hearts Literacy Campaign accelerates students’ ability to develop a second language
Project Name
Enlightening the Hearts Literacy Campaign: Training for Transformation (TfT)
Location Implemented
Competition Entered
Grant Competition 2011
Reading Skill Targeted
The Challenge
Less than 75% of grade 6 children in Ghana are able to read and write at proficiency level after six years of schooling (Ministry of Education, Annual Education Performance review, 2012). Despite the large education sector investments made by Ghana's government over the last 20 years (on average between 10-12% of GDP), the public primary education system is unable to provide children with sufficient support to ensure that students are able to attain basic reading and writing skills after several years of schooling.
The Big Idea
This project utilized a phonic and syllabic approach in the student’s mother tongue. This methodology is an accelerated literacy approach that ensures children are able to read in their first language and use these same literacy skills to fully develop capabilities in a second language. Central to the theory of change is that the teacher is the main facilitator of learning at the classroom level and their attitudes, competencies and behavior have a lifelong impact on the learners.
8,434 copies of EHL primers in four languages (Ewe, Akuapim Twi, Asante Twi, and Fante) were distributed to 200 schools with accompanying manuals for 430 teachers, 450 supplementary readers were distributed to 25 schools with reading clubs, and 860 posters were given to teachers in 200 schools. Multiple teacher training workshops were conducted for 230 teachers and head teachers. According to its evaluation, over 40% of learners moved from ‘illiteracy to ‘literacy’ within the nine-month cycle in the 4 districts.