Brookings Center for Universal Education (CUE) hosting online event on December 10 on scaling lessons from Cote d’lvoire and Tanzania

The virtual event, which will take place in English and French and interpretation will be available for both languages, will launch two RTSL case study reports.

Brookings Center for Universal Education (CUE) hosting online event on December 10 on scaling lessons from Cote d’lvoire and Tanzania

On December 10, 10-11:15 a.m., Center for Universal Education (CUE) at Brookings will host “How do we expand and sustain quality learning for children and youth: Scaling lessons from Cote d’lvoire and Tanzania.”

CUE has been investigating efforts around the world to scale and sustain evidence-based initiatives leading to large-scale improvements in children’s learning. CUE has been implementing a series of Real-time Scaling Labs (RTSLs), in partnership with local institutions in several countries, to generate more evidence and provide practical recommendations around the process of scaling in global education—encouraging a stronger link between research and practice.

The virtual event will launch two RTSL case study reports, “Improving learning and life skills for marginalized children: Scaling the Learner Guide Program in Tanzania” and “Improving children’s reading and math at large scale in Côte d’Ivoire: The story of scaling PEC.” The event includes keynote remarks by Julia Gillard, former prime minister of Australia and distinguished fellow at CUE, a brief presentation on key findings from the two reports, and a moderated conversation between the leaders of the two scaling labs, Barbara Chilangwa and Faustin Koffi, as well as CUE Nonresident Senior Fellow Larry Cooley, and Executive Director of BRAC Bangladesh Asif Saleh, reflecting on experiences and lessons learned and discuss transferable lessons from the report and how findings might inform other efforts to scale impact in education.

The event will take place in English and French and interpretation will be available for both languages. Learn more about the event and how to register.