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… results in Grant Competition 2011.
Olinga Foundation for Human Development
Utilizing a phonic and syllabic approach to reading in their mother tongue, Enlightening the Hearts Literacy Campaign accelerates students’ ability to develop a second languageCompetition
Grant Competition 2011
Winner Status
Open Learning Exchange-Ghana
Using the School Basic e-Learning Libraries (BeLLs), Ghana Reads introduces educational content for students and teachers to address the lack of high quality reading materialsCompetition
Grant Competition 2011
Winner Status
Save the Children Malawi
Accelerating children’s reading by training teachers and non-literate parents on activities to do at home to improve their children’s language skillsCompetition
Grant Competition 2011
Winner Status
Save the Children Sri Lanka
Improving reading skills of children with special needs using by providing teaching and learning materials and assessment tools to teachers and resources and training for familiesCompetition
Grant Competition 2011
Winner Status
Sesame Workshop Initiatives India Pvt. Ltd.
Conducting ‘Learn to Read, Read to Learn’ workshops to assist teachers in using innovative and digital learning materials and to help children improve their oral reading fluencyCompetition
Grant Competition 2011
Winner Status
Step by Step Benevolent Foundation
Influencing the Armenian education system by developing and testing a set of informal literacy assessments to better inform future literacy instructionCompetition
Grant Competition 2011
Winner Status
University of Nairobi ComTech
Using an early grade reading instruction curriculum (EGRIC), in print and electronic format, to provide teachers with high quality reading instruction materials and resources in English and KiswahiliCompetition
Grant Competition 2011
Winner Status
Urban Planet Mobile
Delivering daily SMS reading lessons to adult caregivers through mobile devices to help develop their child’s literacyCompetition
Grant Competition 2011
Winner Status
Whiz Kids Workshop
Fostering a culture that celebrates learning and literacy, through the television and radio series, Whiz KidsCompetition
Grant Competition 2011
Winner Status
Improving literacy skills by providing e-readers filled with culture-specific digital books in both the Ghanaian language and EnglishCompetition
Grant Competition 2011
Winner Status
World Education, Inc.
Developing reading benchmarks for new reading curriculum and a rapid reading response system (including the first literacy app in Khmer), to address reading difficulties for children in CambodiaCompetition
Grant Competition 2011
Winner Status
YMCA Senegal
Generating a passion to read, through Read Right Now!, an after-school weekly reading session to improve students reading skillsCompetition
Grant Competition 2011
Winner Status