YMCA Senegal

Generating a passion to read, through Read Right Now!, an after-school weekly reading session to improve students reading skills

YMCA Senegal

Generating a passion to read, through Read Right Now!, an after-school weekly reading session to improve students reading skills

Project Name

Harnessing Youth Volunteers as Literacy Leaders (HYVALL)

Location Implemented


Competition Entered

Grant Competition 2011

Reading Skill Targeted

Foundational, Reading




Education Development Center, Inc.

The Challenge

Time spent reading both during and after school class hours is minimal. Without additional pay or incentives many teachers are unwilling to devote additional hours to tutoring students. Libraries or reading rooms are lacking in 90% of Senegal’s schools. Low-income families have sporadic or no after-school supervision to encourage children’s practice of reading, while children from higher-income families spend after-school time playing computer/video games.

The Big Idea

This project aims to generate children’s’ passion for reading. The Read Right Now! reading strategy was piloted, which includes twice a week, 45-minute after-school reading sessions to improve students’ reading skills and develop Youth Literacy Leaders (YLLs). The theory of change is that youth literacy leaders can facilitate extracurricular activities for children that will result in reading gains, reinforce school-based reading efforts, and infuse enthusiasm for reading support among families and communities.


1,130 children benefited from this program, 10 youth were trained as master trainers, and 120 volunteers were recruited from local community-based organizations and trained to plan for and conduct reading sessions in the reading centers.

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