
Explore ACR GCD’s community of more than 80 innovators to learn more about their creative solutions to get all children reading.

Developing solutions

All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development is a sandbox for innovation, funding innovators to develop and implement EdTech solutions to increase reading outcomes for marginalized children in low resource contexts. Below, learn about several of our current awardees and explore more current and past innovators by focus area or locations where they implemented their solutions!

All Innovators

results in Foundations for Literacy.
  • Institute for Disabilities Research and Training

    Assistive technology that enables educators to easily create and publish Moroccan Sign Language (MSL) supported educational materials for students who are deaf/hard of hearing.


    Grant Competition 2014

    Winner Status


  • Oeuvre Malienne d’aide à l’Enfance du Sahel

    Providing families in Mali with immediate access to community developed print and digital reading resources through mobile technology and local libraries


    Grant Competition 2014

    Winner Status


  • Réseau d’Acteurs pour le Renouveau de l’Education

    Using mobile technology to help teachers in Mali view, learn and apply new teaching techniques using the balanced literacy approach.


    Grant Competition 2014

    Winner Status


  • Resources for the Blind, Inc.

    Providing training and technology to create and upload accessible supplementary reading materials for students who are blind/low vision.


    Grant Competition 2014

    Winner Status


  • Dost Education

    A mobile service that empowers mothers to be an integral part of their child's development—including learning to read


    Big Ideas@Berkeley 2015/16 Prize

    Amount Awarded


    Winner Status


  • Pratham Education Foundation

    A learning camp that combines doing, speaking, reading, and writing around each learning activity


    Grant Competition 2011

    Winner Status


Two little girls sitting next to the cookie monster while holding a cell phone

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Discover opportunities to become part of the solution for 387 million children waiting for the opportunity to learn to read.